In this section we will answer your most frequently asked questions or uncertainties.

why does the sponge absorb product?

Sponge as a sponge loves moisture, so in order for it to do it's job effectively it must be moistened thoroughly each time before use and the excess water must be squeezed out.

How and how often should the sponge be washed?

One option is to wash it in the washing machine in a laundry bag at 60 degrees with detergent, but under no circumstances add fabric softener.

Another option is to mix 1:1 liquid eco soap with oil. Moisten the sponge in water and thoroughly massage created solution into the sponge. Then rinse it thoroughly under running water. You can repeat the procedure until the sponge is completely clean.

If you use the sponge daily it is suggested to wash it every week and change it after 3 months.

whats the difference between diamond skin un diamond glow?

Skin is a cream-based body shimmer with a fresh papaya scent and Glow is an oil-based body shimmer with high water resistance, carrot oil to help you get a more golden tan and a summery sweet pina-colada scent.

Both products have the same glow effect, if you want to reduce it a little, you can easily mix the products with another cream or body care product.


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